Frequency and pulse distribution amplifier
FDA/PDA is a 1:8 frequency and pulse distribution amplifier according to open hardware design available at Open Hardware Repository. More information with datasheets is available there. The amplifier is designed for applications in time & frequency metrology such as 1PPS/10MHz signal distribution from atomic clocks, GPS/GNSS-disciplined oscillators, or other precision timing applications (e.g. PTPv2/White Rabbit networks).
Each unit is delivered as a custom built evaluation kit for professional use. The customer has possibility to choose either one 1:8 FDA and one 1:8 PDA board or two FDA (or PDA) boards inside single aluminum enclosure. Both BNC and SMA connectors are available. Please contact us for a quotation. Before delivery of each unit the accuracy is adjusted and verified by VTT MIKES Metrology (National Metrology Institute of Finland). Please see sample test report PDA_FDA_FAT_SN_017_website.