Micro-D25 adapters

We design and manufacture Micro-D25 adapters to various connector types (SMA, SMP, MCX, nano-D etc) or for direct soldering. The adapters can be single block units with all input/output connectors in single enclosure or combinations of micro-D connector, shielded cable and output connector enclosure. Aluminum enclosure as standard, Au-plated copper upon request.

Exchangeable sample holder for electron pump devices

We have designed and manufactured cryogenic and non-magnetic sample holder with three rf connectors (SMP) and multi-pin dc connector (Omnetics, 21 lines). The design work was made in collaboration with e-Si-AMP consortium consisting of leading metrology institutes (www.e-si-amp.eu). The holder has duplicate dc connector for grounding. This makes it possible to transport sensitive samples between Read more about Exchangeable sample holder for electron pump devices[…]

Battery swap unit

We have designed and build a battery swapping electronics “BattSwitch” that is based on our earlier uninterruptible battery source. BattSwitch can swap between 1-6 battery pairs and in addition it can contain linear voltage regulators to provide a stable and constant uninterruptible voltage supply for e.g. preamplifiers. Swapping can be controlled both manually and user-specified Read more about Battery swap unit[…]